About Me

I’m so glad you’re here and pray that I can serve you.

My Vision is a transformation that leads to women filling at least 40 percent of leadership positions working collaboratively with men for God’s glory.

My Mission: To support and equip women to reach more of their God-given potential with confidence because of who and whose they are. The way I accomplish this by using my God-given gifts for writing, public speaking, teaching, coaching and leadership to serve others for their highest good.

There are many values I hold dear. My top five values are:

God is first
Abide in love
Team brings dreams to life
Excellence for the glory of God
Service to God and others

God wants to do amazing things in and through you.

The one experience that brings me the most joy is seeing the lights go on for others. I love supporting others in their growth! The most significant insight I’ve had over the years is that growth happens by the grace with with the help of God. He is our Creator and the one who blesses us with skills and abilities that allow us to further His kingdom and partner with Him. When we give up trying to do it under our own strength and recognize that true strength is found in Christ, we open the door for miracles to occur in our own lives – better yet, to flow through us to make a difference for others.

My dream since I was a child is world peace. I believe that world peace starts with peaceful people who put their faith in God and are raised in strong, stable, loving families. Nurturing a relationship with God has been the key to my healing, growth and success for He is the source of all our blessings. I pray that families are strengthened as a result of making Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives so that our lives, our work, our families and our communities our founded on biblical core values. When we put God first, we and our children have a better chance of experiencing the most successful and fulfilling lives and relationships we can possibly have.relationships.

In the spirit of giving credit where credit is due, while the writing is mine, any revelations or brilliant insights you might read here are by the grace of God through His Holy Spirit. Those that are not so brilliant are more likely my own.

Places I Have Spoken

I have spoken for events including the Valley Church “Good for All” Conference, women’s retreats, and organizations including Christian Women in the Workplace, BPW, Toastmasters, Landmark Education, ABA, IABC, Long Island Women’s Business Council, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Hauppauge Industrial Association, Long Island Association, United Coaching Associations, Syosset Chamber of Commerce, Massapequa Kiwanis Club, Northport Rotary Club, Knights of Colombus Insurance, Stonybrook Hospital, Independent Business Women’s Circle and the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women. 

I have been a contributor to several podcasts including iWork4Him, Leadership Strategies for Women and Cubicles & Christ. I’ve even done a little stand up comedy (no, I have no ambitions to become a comedian – but it WAS fun!).